IssueAllocation of Memory without Associated Release - (9112)9002 (Quality Issues Organized by Practices) >
9176 (Coding Practices) >
9112 (Allocation of Memory without Associated Release)
The software allocates memory for a data element, but it does
not release the associated memory at a later time.

IssueClass Instance Self Destruction Control Element - (9156)9002 (Quality Issues Organized by Practices) >
9176 (Coding Practices) >
9156 (Class Instance Self Destruction Control Element)
This pattern identifies situations where the class element
executes the control element to destroy itself. As an example of
self-destruction control element in C++, the 'delete this' control

IssueFloat Type Storable and Member Data Element Comparison with Equality Operator - (9138)9002 (Quality Issues Organized by Practices) >
9176 (Coding Practices) >
9138 (Float Type Storable and Member Data Element Comparison with Equality Operator)
This pattern identifies situations where the floating value 1
and floating value 2 of storable or member data elements
of float types, are tested for equality with regular comparison operators in
the comparison control element.

IssueIncorrect Type Conversion or Cast - (704)9002 (Quality Issues Organized by Practices) >
9176 (Coding Practices) >
704 (Incorrect Type Conversion or Cast)
This pattern identifies situations where the storable element
or member element is declared with the
datatype in the Create action, then updated
with a value that is cast via the type cast action into the second datatype, which is
incompatible with the first one.

IssueMissing Serialization Control Element - (9102)9002 (Quality Issues Organized by Practices) >
9176 (Coding Practices) >
9102 (Missing Serialization Control Element)
The software contains a serializable data element that does not
have an associated serialization method.

IssueStatic Member Data Element outside of a Singleton Class Element - (9004)9002 (Quality Issues Organized by Practices) >
9176 (Coding Practices) >
9004 (Static Member Data Element outside of a Singleton Class Element)
This pattern identifies situations where the static member
element is declared as static but
its parent class element
is not a singleton class, that is, a class element that can be used only once in
the 'to' association of a Create action; it does not take into
account final static fields.