CQE List Draft 0.9

Total Formal CQEs: 160

CQE™ is a list of software quality issues. Creating the list is a community initiative. Together, the participating organizations and any others that wish to join the effort are creating specific and succinct definitions for each of the elements in the CQE List. By leveraging the widest possible group of interests and talents, we hope to ensure that the CQE elements are adequately described and differentiated. We continually will work to capture the specific effects, behaviors, exploit mechanisms, and implementation details in the CQE dictionary as well as to review and revise the presentation approaches to provide those that best suit the community using this information.

Review CQE List

A number of review methods have been produced to help navigate the list including: by hierarchical representation, by relationships to external factors, and by relationships to specific attributes. Each of these methods provides a unique view into the CQE List to help you find a specific weakness or to show the relationships amongst different patterns.

By Hierarchical Representation (Graph)

A "graph" is a hierarchical representation of weaknesses based on a specific vantage point.

Title Review
Default Graph GraphListSlice
Quality Issues Organized by Practices GraphListSlice

By Relationships to Specific Attributes (Implicit Slice)

An "implicit slice" is a subset of weaknesses that are related through a specific attribute.
Title Review
Comprehensive View ListSlice
Comprehensive Quality Characteristics View ListSlice
Comprehensive Quality Issues View ListSlice
Comprehensive Practices View ListSlice
Comprehensive Consequences View ListSlice

Release Downloads

Core xml content and xsd schema.

Version XML Content Schema
CQE List Draft 0.9 XML XSD

Please contact cqe@mitre.org with suggestions for additional views.

Page Last Updated or Reviewed: November 08, 2017